Word Formation
Well, we have discussed morphemes. Now, let’s discuss how words are created or formed. As what we have been learning,...
Well, we have discussed morphemes. Now, let’s discuss how words are created or formed. As what we have been learning,...
As discussed in class, there are two types of morpheme: FREE morpheme, and BOUND morpheme. FREE morpheme is then further...
Hmm.. Alhamdulillaah… Everything ran very smoothly at Dephan, except for the Internet connection 🙁 . Well, di hari pertama saya...
Pfuuh… Finally, DONE..! Yes, last week was quite hectic for me. I had to organize a 2-day (Oct 29-30)workshop on...
I hardly could believe what I read at detik.com, so that I also then visited kompas.com and tempointeraktif.com.Yes. They all...