The Farmer and the Deer

The Farmer and the Deer

                    Once upon a time, there lived a deer in the middle of the woods. The deer liked to eat fruits especially cucumber. Near the woods, there was a small cottage and a garden. An old farmer lived in that cottage. The farmer planted fruits in the garden. He took care his garden everyday. Old farmer had a dog that always helped him.

One day, the deer was very hungry and really wanted to eat. But there was no fruits in the woods. To find the fruits, the deer had to go to the valley near the mountain. The problem was that  he was too lazy to go there, it was too far from the woods. Finally, the deer decided to go to the edge of the woods.

At the edge of the woods, there was a garden. There were many fruits that were planted in the garden. They are water melons, pumpkins, apples, oranges, and cucumbers. The deer was very happy. Then, he ate some cucumbers and apples. He made a mess and broke the plants in the garden. After feeling satisfied, the deer left the garden and went back to the woods.

The next day, the farmer checked his garden. He was very surprised and angry when he saw his garden. The plants were broken down and some fruits were gone. “ Who did this to my garden !!”, said the farmer angrily. Then he looked around the garden and saw the footprints of the deer. “ It must be a deer, he ate my cucumbers and my apples. The deer also broke my garden”, the farmer said.

In the morning, the farmer made a trap and hang it on a tree near the garden. Then he waited behind a tree.  A few hours later, the deer came. He ate the cucumbers again. Suddenly, there was something felt down from the tree. It was a cage made of woods . The deer was very surprised, but he couldn’t run. The deer was traped in the cage. Then the farmer took the deer into the cottage. He wanted to cook the deer for dinner.

The deer didn’t know what to do. He thought about the way to escape from the cage. A few minutes later, the farmer’s dog came to the deer’s cage. Finally, the deer had an idea to escape. “ Hey you, what are you doing out there ? Why don’t you get into this cage.”, said the deer to the dog. “Why do I have to get in there ?” said the dog wondering.

“ Don’t you know that the farmer will give you many delicious foods if  you can stay in this cage until dinner ? ” said the deer. “ Oh, really..? I don’t know about that, but I want delicious foods too” Said the dog. “ Ok. If you want foods, all you have to do is open up this cage and replace me, the farmer will give you delicious foods after dinner”, the dog replied. Finally, the dog agreed to replace the deer in that cage. The deer got out from the cage and ran away from the cottage.

The farmer was very surprised when he saw his dog in the cage. Then he hit the dog and said “ You are a stupid dog !! , You let our dinner escape”, said the farmer angrily.

The deer ran to the woods happily and felt so glad that he could trick the farmer and the dog easily.

Bukhori Muslim