The Country Mouse and The Town Mouse

Once upon a time, there lived a Country Mouse. He lived in a beautiful field near the town. The Country Mouse lived peacefully there. He ate from what the nature had given to him.

One day, a Town Mouse walked near the Country Mouse’s house. The Country Mouse was having an afternoon tea there. The Town Mouse saw the Country Mouse and greeted him.

“What a good day it is! I see you are a fellow mouse just like me. Do you mind if I join you?” asked the Town Mouse. The Country Mouse was a little bit surprised.

“Well, I am more than happy to welcome a friendly guest like you! Please take a seat,” answered the Country Mouse. So they sat together and enjoyed their tea. The Country Mouse served some corns and roots to his new friend. The Town Mouse ate the food, but he was not fond of the taste. They had a very earthly flavor.

“My dear friend! Your life here is not better than ants. The foods you eat are too plain. You should come with me to my larder at town. There are many delicious foods there!” said the Town Mouse.

The Town Mouse took the Country Mouse with him. He invited his new friend to his larder. When they arrived at the Town Mouse’s larder, the Country Mouse was amazed. He saw many foods he had never seen before.

The Town Mouse served the Country mouse some honey, figs, oatmeals, and cheese. The Country Mouse was very happy. He ate the foods and thanked his friend for his generosity. Suddenly when they were still eating their foods, the larder’s door opened. Someone walked into the larder. He was the owner of the larder.

The two mice ran as fast as they could into a hole. The hole was very small and uncomfortable. But they did not have any other place to hide. So they tried to fit themselves into the hole.

After a while, the owner of the larder went out from the larder. The two mice felt relieved. They continued their eating. Soon they enjoyed their foods again. They had forgotten the danger they had faced before.

Suddenly the door of the larder opened again. Now a cat walked into the larder. The owner sent the cat to hunt the mice in the larder. The two mice ran into the hole again. They held their breath, hoping the cat would not find their hiding. When the cat finally left the larder, the Country Mouse decided to say goodbye to his friend. He could not stand facing the dangers in the larder.

“Goodbye my dear friend! I see you live in a larder full of delicious foods. That is true indeed. But your life is always surrounded by many dangers, and I cannot stand that. I think I will take my leave now. I prefer eating my plain foods in the field. At least I can eat peacefully there and do not need to worry about my safety. Farewell!” said the Country Mouse to the Town Mouse. He left the larder quickly before any other danger appeared.

The Country Mouse went back to his house in the field. He felt happy and grateful for his foods. Now he could eat his foods peacefully without feeling scared anymore.

Dita Nurul