3-C International Workshop

Pfuuh… Finally, DONE..!

Yes, last week was quite hectic for me. I had to organize a 2-day (Oct 29-30)workshop on 3C: Computer-Assisted Language Learning; Competency-Based and Authentic Assessment, and Communicative Skills in Large Classes.

I was so happy that all the participants left the workshop with smiles, after attending my presentation (with Benjamin Floman) on CALL, Pak Tri Wiratno & Angela on assessment, and Susannah & Ellen on Large classes. My presentation can be downloaded here.

On the following day (Oct 31) we had a Halloween Party at campus. Although full of fatigue, I was happy there to see my students so enthusiastic doing their first Halloween. Yes… Halloween is not always scary, it can be fun too.

Yes, October is over…
Now preparing for November: Seminar & Workshop at Dephan, Jakarta.